Thursday, January 27, 2011

Must be Yummy Potatoes!

It's just wonderful visiting the garden on Thursdays and being with all of the enthusiasts!

When we looked more closely at the shrivelled brown leaves of the potato crop today it appeared that they hadn't just died back ready for harvest, but had been hastened in their demise by the 28 spotted ladybird. This could be good news for those who want a flower garden, because by planting a greater variety of nectar producing flowers, the ratio of beneficial insects to destructive insects should balance out. A mix such as "Good Bug Mix" left to self seed around the edges of the garden may be a starting point.

Meanwhile however we can pick them off by hand where damage is being done, and keep up our watering roster to minimise stress on the other plants and make them less attractive hosts.

But the harvest today was again bountiful - Joe has photos.... and I'm sure we'll all become experts with zucchini as we pick our way through the weeks ahead. Post your best recipes here!! Happy Gardening!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Yet another "Awesome Harvest"

What a great meeting yesterday!

We have now set our regularly weekly meeting for THURSDAY at 4pm - where we can discuss the wonders of the garden and plan our crops etc.

Barry, Vince and co have kept the garden looking amazing over the Xmas period. Helen did a fantastic job of cooking up all the beetroot.

The garden stakes etc. are now at the garden ready to go.

Don't forget - the Tour of Community Gardens in the Illawarra - Saturday, 5 February. First stop is Kiama.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

About this Blog: Kiama Community Garden

Hi and Welcome to the Kiama community garden blog. This online blog was
designed for the members of the community garden to post about current
developments in the gardens. Vegetables that are ready for harvest, latest
about watering or weather or any other relevant information for the group.
It is just as easy to upload photos taken in the garden. Blog away and a
good harvest to all!

The blog was created as part of Kiama Municipal Council’s Kiamasphere  Program.