Thursday, May 24, 2012

Quiet time in the garden

This Saturday will be a bit of a quiet time as many of our regulars will be away. However, there are still jobs to be done and tea, coffee and treats to be consumed, please feel free to bring along a snack to share.

There is plenty of undercover work to do should the weather be unfavourable for outdoor work so please come along.

The repair work being carried out on the hi-tech pizza oven is going well and we should be cooking away happily on a few weeks.

Jobs for this Saturday:
    • Feed the worms
    • Pizza oven repairs
    • Blend a potting mix
    • Pot strawberries
    • Harvest         
    • Clean the meeting room
    • Enjoy a tea or coffee
Note – Kathy, Deb & Julie will not be at working bee

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Perfect Gardening Weather

 We are still pretty excited about the Pizza Oven workshop held at the garden a couple of weekends ago. With the weather cooling down the thought of hot tasty pizzas and bread from our own ovens is enough to make the mouth water. Below are a couple of action shots of the workshop and further down the list of jobs for this weekend.

Hard at work
Alan Watt explaining the thermal dynamics of our pizza oven design (or quantum physics by the look of the board!!!)

The last few weeks have been a little on the chilly side, but this is perfect weather for planting peas and building compost amongst other things. Why not come along to the garden this Saturday from 8:30 for a few hours of healthy fun and conversation in the garden

You can access the garden from the Leisure Centre car park through the sports oval gates and left for a hundred metres or so. You will see the Garden Gate.

Please wear sturdy enclosed boots or shoes and a hat.

Bring a little something to share for morning tea or drop a gold coin in the morning tea kitty.

Jobs for Saturday 19 May 2012

-          Plant Seedlings, peas and pigeon peas

-          Continue with the Hi-tec Pizza oven repairs

-          Pot up yet more strawberries

-          Clean up the Meeting room for winter

-          Start a new hot compost

-          Water the garden with our compost teas

-          Enjoy a cuppa and a chat

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Taste of Things to Come!

What a weekend it was last weekend. All hands on and two efficient pizza ovens emerged. Can't promise pizza this weekend because most of us will only be gardening in the morning, but keep your nostrils tuned because the next wood fired event will be happening soon. This Saturday 12 May we would like to get all of these things achieved.  Hope to see you there!

·         Skilled group will continue work on high tech oven.
·         Prepare new no-dig garden bed
·         Plant Peas, Pigeon Peas and Broad Beans
·         Water and Harvest
·         Move remaining soils and store tyres
·         Bag Compost
·         Feed worms
·         Finish potting strawberries

And of course we'll love to chat over delicious morning tea!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sweet Tooth Chokos

No working bee this weekend, but.. 
Whilst we're all busy building our pizza oven,
maybe you could whip up a batch of this marmalade!
Next Working bee Saturday 12 May, stay posted!

Lime and Choko marmalade – recipe by Jackie French
Makes one want to eat chokos!
12 Chokos
Juice of 6 limes (or lemons)
1.75 kilos sugar
1 cup water
1 dessertspoon preserved ginger (optional)
Grated rind of 2 limes or 1 lemon
Peel & chop chokos, sprinkle with lime juice and 1 cup sugar, leave overnight
Next day, place in a pan with the water, ginger and rind, then heat, stirring, until the sugar on the chokos has dissolved.
Boil gently for an hour and a half then add the rest of the sugar.
Stir until the sugar dissolves, then boil rapidly for between an hour and an hour and half – until a little sets in cold water.
Transfer to hot sterilized jars and seal when cool.